we´ve ordered a starterkit of version PCoreMX6UL-V4. I´m trying to switch the GPIO_J1_29, but it doesn´t work. If I take a look in the GPIO Reference Card, I have to export GPIO 135.
1st I was wondering why in the GPIO Reference Card it is written the pin can be used by J10-24. If I download the PcoreBBRGB-REV120-Schematic.pdf it is J9-24. So I think there is something wrong, either it should be J9 or J10.
Here my steps to reproduce.
- Unpack PCoreMX6ULL-V4 starterkit
- Plug power supply and debug interface
- boot into linux and login
- export GPIO 135, "echo 135 > /sys/class/gpio/export"
- Setup GPIO direction: "echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio135/direction"
- Switch GPIO to 0: "echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio135/value"
- Switch GPIO to 1: "echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio135/value"
- If I measure on J9/10 - Pin 24, I didn´t see any change. It is always 0V.
Any hints what I missed?