Remote Debugging a WPF application in Visual Studio

  • Hello,

    thereby the steps for remote debugging a WPF application in Visual Studio 2022 (Version 17.11.4) on Windows 1x IoT Enterprise LTSC device. In the attachments you will find my used Visual Studio configuration. There is also a description from microsoft which will be found here: remote debugging. In the following we will repeat this and give you some addtional hints.

    1. Create a WPF project named MyWPF

    2. Set a breakpoint somewhere in the code that is easily reached.

    3. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and choose Properties. For C# projects targeting use .NET 6, add and select ARM64 using Configuration Manager.

    4. Choose Debug tap or click the link for open "Startprofile".

    Enter the system name of the device and the port number as shown below, the port number is fix for VS2022.

    You can retrieve the system name by open the System Information on the device or by using FS Device Spy which will be found in our Windows-Tool download.

    5. Make sure the Working directory text box is empty

    6. Choose Use remote machine, and enter the string as said in 4.

    7. Make sure that Enable native code debugging is not selected

    8. Built the project


    9. and 10. Copy the complete project to the device the path should be exactly the same as on your development computer. Share the folder on the device, so that you can access it from you development compute with write permissons.

    Afterwards you can configure Visual Studio the copy the new files after each built.

    11. Launch the remote debugger on the device. You will found the installation file for VS2022 at microsoft or in our Windows-Tool download (VS2022_RemoteTools_ARM64).

    12. In Visual Studio start debugging

    13. If prompted, enter network credentials, default user is FuS with empty password.

    If any questions please come back here.



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    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Edited 2 times, last by fs-support_ZU ().