Prevent efusA9 with WEC 2013 from sending Device Info

  • Hello,

    I wonder how I can prevent the efusA9 with WEC2013 from UDP broadcasting "Device...Info...FSIMX6" from UDP Port 49156 to 4242.

    The System does this for approx. 2 minutes after boot and then closes the UDP port 49156 (according to netstat -n).

    Kind Regards

    Martin Mödlinger

  • Hello,

    you can disable the "Broadcast Driver" via Registry to prevent this: [HKLM\Drivers\Drivers\Builtin\BCSend\Flags=DWORD:4].

    The boradcast is send so that a remote PC which runs FS Device Spy tool can detect devices.

    You can also short time and number of broadcasts send by Registry, for more details refer FSIMX6 Device Driver chapter 19.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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