WinCE netdcu8 starter kit troubles, serial ports

  • Please correct me, but in file reame.txt in the starterkit cd it’s written:

    "NetDCU8 Board-Revision 1.00 has some bugs. Most of them are solved by additional red-wires. The following bug can't be solved with this revision of the board:

    - Serial line COM1: (connector J5) is not functioning. Because of this, boot messages are output to COM2: (connector J2) and ndcucfg.exe is started on COM3: (connector J7)"

    connector J2 of DCU8 IS COM1 (as seen from others manuals) of sDCU6-startintf: working
    connector J5 of DCU8 IS COM2 of sDCU6-startintf: NOT working ?? BUT WHY??
    connector J7 of DCU8 IS COM3 of sDCU6-startintf: working?? For ndcucfg.exe ??

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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  • Is Com 1 for revision 1.10 still not working?



    Step into the bootloader and disable debug output With command O followed by Y. After this COM1: can be used by your application...

    So I tried to use Com1.


    I stepped into bootloader by pressing S while booting.
    I entered command O followed by Y.

    1. Debug output disabled !!!
    2. Press S during boot to step into bootloader.

    I pressed: i for information again but:

    1. ...
    2. Output debug messages at serial port: yes
    3. ...

    showed up

    I started the board and tried to get a handle of COM1 but it did not work.

    2. I tried to disable debug output not entering the bootloader:
    I used command: serial debug off (via Net Dcu Config Utility)

    1. OK


    I did not get a handle.

    3. I tried point 2 additionally I entered command: reg save

    It did not work.

    Thank you in advance

  • Hello

    all you do seems to be right and from HW revision 1.10 com1: is working. Does the debug output appears in the same way after you execute the "O" command? So i think you should update ( your SW.
    Else check to access com3:, maybe there is a little bug in your SW? Access to com3: is possible without any modificaions.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Dear Mr. Zutter!

    1. Thank you for your quick reply.
    2. I tried to change "ndcucfg.exe" from COM2: to COM1
    after changing I entered reg enum value and I got:
    I rebooted, it did not work

    I changed it to COM3
    I rebooted and got the prompt on COM3 this worked fine.

    3. Disable debug output

    What do you mean with debug output? Is it the following after reboot
    which appears on the hyperterminal, or is it something different?

    Thank you very much.


  • Hello

    correct by "debug out" i guess the boot up messages. They are quite different between debug out is enabled or disabled. In your case the messages stop before the OS is completly running and that normally indicates that com1: is available for your application.

    Nevertheless, your SW seems to be very "old" (eboot1.05) and suggest if you update nboot, eboot and Kernel it will work. Use the NetDCUUSBLoder for this purpose (

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Dear Mr. Zutter

    I downloaded:


    are these the latest files you mean?

    I downloaded NetDCUUSB and installed it.

    1. Is there any order I have to pay attetion to?

    In the newsgroup I found the steps how to update the kernel:

    Question to point 1:
    I will use COM2 instead of COM1 because COM1 does not work is that ok?
    Question to point 3:
    Why to modify the EBOOT8_123.nb0 file?
    Question to point 4: do I have to adjust the partition for “NK82_CF2_DCOM_060913.bin†as well to 16 MB.

    In the howto.txt file of NetDCUUSB I found also information on:


    - Make sure, that at NetDCU8 SKIT DIP switch 1 and 2 are off and 3 and 4 are on.

    I will do that as well, because all 4 are off.

    2. Question to EBOOT8_123.nb0 and nboot8_19.rev100.bin
    I did not find information to install them?

    Thank you very much


  • Hello,

    - if you do not use the DCOM views use a "standard" kernel (eg. ...CF2... )
    - nboot? you have to use nboot8_....bin because you use HW 1.10 i think!

    - step into the bootloader and erase registry - wait until the system has rebooted than step into the bootloader again (maybe you dont need to partition, compare your kernel.bin file and partition size for OS (command "i" in the bootloader)). Now execute the steps you listed above.
    - You have to use com1 because here works the bootloader!!!
    - You dont have to modyfi the nb0-file!!!
    The nbi file tells the USBLoader were the files to install are located.
    E.g. my.nbi

    1. author = "My Name"
    2. customer="NetDCU8"
    3. [Files]
    4. ; ;=comment
    5. EBoot=S:\SW\NetDCU\bin\NetDCU8\boot\eboot8_123.nb0
    6. StepStone=S:\SW\NetDCU\bin\NetDCU8\boot\nboot8_19.bin
    7. Kernel=S:\SW\NetDCU\bin\NetDCU8\kernel\MyKernel.bin

    - See 1.
    - eboot may also installed by using DCUTermi:
    a) step in to the stepping stone bootloader (press "s"+power on) than enter "d"
    b) DCUTermi->File-> transmit bin file -> select bootloader

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Thank you for your quick reply!

    Now I downloaded unpacked its about 13. MB iguess I have to adjust the size to 14 MB is that correct?



    - nboot? you have to use nboot8_....bin because you use HW 1.10 i think!

    Sorry I don’t understand that, is it nboot8_19.bin or nboot8_19.rev100.bin for NetDCU8 – Wce 1.10 2005


    a) step in to the stepping stone bootloader (press "s"+power on) than enter "d"

    I don’t understand stepping stone bootloader, is it the normal bootloader, entering S? But this does not support the command d?

    Thank you so much!


  • Hello,

    Now I downloaded unpacked its about 13. MB iguess I have to adjust the size to 14 MB is that correct?

    Yes, but check ("i") maybe the partition is large enough.

    Sorry I dont understand that, is it nboot8_19.bin or nboot8_19.rev100.bin for NetDCU8.

    nboot8_XX.rev100.bin is for HW revision 1.00
    else use nboot8_XX.bin.

    I don’t understand stepping stone bootloader, is it the normal bootloader, entering S? But this does not support the command d?

    "shift+s" + power on -> you come into the bootloader
    "s" + power on -> you come into the stepping stone bootloader

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Dear Mr. Zutter

    1. I tried COM1 it does not work at all. My bootloader is running on COM2 as the picture shows above.
    Entering Bootloader and stepping stone bootloader on COM2 worked fine. Do I have to change it or can I use COM2 on my board?



    Size of aea for storing OS image 12MB

    as NK82_CF2_060518.bin is 12949KB i will change it to 13MB?

    Thank you very much.

  • Ok,

    i misunderstood, i thought your debug line is com1: and you like to free the port for your applcation!

    Thats it, when your bootloader is running on com2: you have to use com2: for update. But after update nboot (without rev100 srtring) com1: is used as debug line.

    In your current configuration com1: should be available for your application! Are you sure you use HW revision 1.10?


    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Dear Mr. Zutter

    Thanks again.

    At the moment I use COM2 for Ndcucfg.exe and the bootloader, and COM3 for the application. COM3 workes fine.


    Are you sure you use HW revision 1.10?

    On the board it says NetDC9 - WCE 1.10 2005
    Is it something different? Where else do I finde HW revision?

    Thank you very much


  • The hardware revision is printed on the board next to J1 (Power)
    It is

    REV. 1.00
    (c) 2004

    for revision 1.00 (with COM1 not working)

    REV. 1.10
    (c) 2005

    for the current revision 1.10

    For revision 1.00 you must use nboot8_xx.rev100.bin or else you will not be able to step into the bootloader.
    For revision 1.10 you can either use nboot8_xx.bin or nboot8_xx.rev100.bin.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Hello,

    the HW revision is printed out direct on the hardware (NetDCUX Board), on top - as well as on bottom layer.

    REV. 1.10
    (c) 2005

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
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    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Dear Mr. Zutter

    I erased the registy to default, I set the dip switches off off on on.

    I connected a USB cable to the slave USB (B). On my PC I get a popup saying it does not know the device.

    I started NetDCUUSBLoader.exe, opened file in Loader NK82_CF2_060518.bin
    I changed size to 13MB confirmed with "y"
    I entered the command "du" -- it says: Waiting for USB download
    But NetDCUUSBLoader does not toggle and you are not able to press start only auto?

    1.What did I do wrong?
    2. can I stop "waiting for USB"

    Thank you very much.