
  • Hello,

    I have the same problem with high CPU load due to touch panel operation as described in "Hohe Systemlast - Touchpanel" (NetDCU9).

    An alternative driver <n9_touchpoll.dll> is recommended in this thread.
    Is <n9_touchpoll.dll> suitable for PicoCOM2?

    Where can I find a complete documentation of settings for the touchpanel driver? At least some parameters seem to miss in the table in <PicoCOM2_DeviceDriver_V106_eng.pdf>, as for "SamplePeriodLowHns" and "SamplePeriodHighHns" which are referred to in the cited thread.

    Which driver revision has <pc2_touch.dll> as part of the kernel <NKPC2_CORE_CF2_100806.bin>?

    Is there any way to temporarily disable mouse/keyboard/touchpanel ?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello,


    Is <n9_touchpoll.dll> suitable for PicoCOM2

    No, the boards using differnet processors.


    Which driver revision has <pc2_touch.dll> as part of the kernel <NKPC2_CORE_CF2_100806.bin>?

    You will get this information from the serial debug output while booting.


    Where can I find a complete documentation of settings for the touchpanel driver? ...

    If the documentation is not up to date you may set registry value "debug" to "0x4" to get a list of the currently adjusted settings. In your case you may increase "SamplePeriodLowHns" and decrease "TouchSamples" for save calculation power.


    Is there any way to temporarily disable mouse/keyboard/touchpanel ?

    No (not whitin one power on - power off cycle).

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Hello,


    You will get this information from the serial debug output while booting.

    I do not have a serial communication line, can only use ActiveSync.


    If the documentation is not up to date you may set registry value "debug" to "0x4" to get a list of the currently adjusted settings.

    Where will it be displayed? I am looking for a documentation about which parameters can be set, which are valid settings and what is the purpose of each parameter.

    Currently I use
    SamplePeriodLowHns = 2000000
    TouchSamples = 3
    CPU resources consumption has gone down almost as required but, not surprisingly, touchpad response got worse. Will it be the only way to prevent touchpad from disturbing other applications by setting a compromise of parameters?


  • Hello,

    - driver version as well as debug information is display on the serial debug line. So for test, development and adjustment you should enabe this line.
    - "SamplePeriodLowHns = 2000000" brings no observable improvement? So you should try to use a value between 200000 and 2000000 and increase the priority of your applications thread(s).

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Hello,


    for test, development and adjustment you should enabe this line.

    I would like to but I do not have a serial connection at all.


    "SamplePeriodLowHns = 2000000" brings no observable improvement?

    It improved but not enough. The main application running as topmost window is less impacted by touchpad traffic with the modified settings, but it is still somewhat slowed down while there is touchpad traffic. (The problem is that the main application operates a flash lamp, and its trigger frequency must not change during a series of flashes.)
    Besides, I set
    (standard: 109) with some effect, but not enough..
