Installation of PicoCOM2 SDK vs. PicoCOM4 SDK

  • How can I install both PicoCOM2 and PicoCOM4 SDKs on one computer using VisualStudio 2008?
    Depending on the project I need one or the other.

    If I try to install PicoCOM2 after PicoCOM4 SDK, I only have the option to modify, repair or remove PicoCOM4 SDK.
    After I installed PicoCOM4 SDK I cannot open VS2008 projects that use the PicoCOM2 SDK anymore.
    Consequently I cannot replace the PicoCOM2 SDK dependency with one on PicoCOM4 SDK.

    What steps do you propose?

  • Do you have any idea or proposal in between?
    I must change a project based on PicoCOM2 to being based on PicoCOM4 using VisualStudio 2008.

    Any answer in due time will be appreciated.

    André Lehmann

  • I think this was only a problem in one of the early PicoCOM4 SDKs. The latest SDK version of PicoCOM4 (picocom4_sdk_v101.msi) should be completly independ from PicoCOM2 SDKs.
    Which version(s) is installed on your PC currently?

    Software developer, F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • (Would have been too good to be true.)
    I tried again to install <picocom4_sdk_v101.msi>, same trouble as before:
    Two error messages:


    Installer Information:
    ToolsMsmCA(Error): IHxFilters filter registration failure:
    Err = 0x80040305, Content = pFilters->SetNamespace( Namespace )



    Installer Information:
    ToolsMsmCA(Error): IHxRegisterSession transaction failure:
    Err = 0x8004036f, pRegSession->CommitTransaction()

    then rollback.
    I use VisualStudio 2008 with <picocom2_core_sdk_V120.msi> installed on Windows7(64bit).
    Any ideas?

    Especially nice: After the failed installation of <picocom4_sdk_v101.msi> it "rolled back" so thoroughly that the PicoCOM2 SDK was also removed.
    Did you ever test it?

    Now I have a completely damaged installation, even the installation of PicoCOM2 SDK fails with similar error messages. None of my PicoCOM projects works anymore. Great if you have to meet time lines.

    An immediate solution will not only be appreciated but required.

  • In this case this problem is located differently. Please refere to following thread for details:
    <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1110</a><!-- l -->

    Software developer, F&amp;S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Now I found out that BOTH ways DO NOT WORK:

    (1) deinstall both SDK4 and SDK2 if installed
    (2) install SDK2
    (3) restart
    (4) SDK2 available for a new VStudio2008 project (no existing project loaded)
    (5) install SDK4
    (6) restart
    (7) SDK4 available for a new VStudio2008 project (no existing project loaded), SDK2 disappeared

    (1) deinstall both SDK4 and SDK2 if installed
    (2) install SDK4
    (3) restart
    (4) SDK4 available for a new VStudio2008 project (no existing project loaded)
    (5) install SDK2
    (6) restart
    (7) SDK2 available for a new VStudio2008 project (no existing project loaded), SDK4 disappeared

    Both SDKs are available for deinstallation using "Systemsteuerung=>Programm deinstallieren"
    Both program folders
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows CE Tools\wce600\PicoCOM2
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows CE Tools\wce600\PicoCOM4
    exist and have reasonable contents.

    (C) selecting "Repair installation" => both SDKs disappeared in VStudio2008
    I use <picocom2_core_sdk_V120.msi> and <picocom4_sdk_v101.msi>

    After 2 wasted hours I gave up.

  • Not only that SDK4 and SDK2 cannot exist in parallel - now I get numerous linker errors with EVERY project that worked fine before:

    1. uafxcwd.lib(cmdtarg.obj) : error LNK2001: Nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol "IID_IDispatch".

    I changed neither project settings nor source code.
    (No. including uafxcwd.lib does not help - was not required before anyway.)
    I need a fast solution.

  • Code
    1. After I installed PicoCOM4 SDK I cannot open VS2008 projects that use the PicoCOM2 SDK anymore.
    2. Consequently I cannot replace the PicoCOM2 SDK dependency with one on PicoCOM4 SDK.

    Did you check registry for remains after deinstallaton (e.g. by search for PicoCOM)?

    To port a project from one SDK to another (new installed) SDK is less suported by MS VS. In general i built a new project with new SDK and copy the files in it then i do the project settings.

    An other possibility may be to use only one SDK (PicoCOM2 and PicoCOM4 are both ARM architecture)!

  • Please try to link against uuid.lib .

    Software developer, F&amp;S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Quote

    Please try to link against uuid.lib .

    It does not help. Still I get

    where there were no errors before trying to use PicoCOM4 SDK. Now the only installed SDK is PicoCOM2 as it was before.
    I need to continue my project immediately.

  • To clarify the problem: It emerged after the following steps.
    (1) Installed VisualStudio2008 and PicoCOM2 SDK.
    (2) Created a PicoCOM2 project and worked on it for months.
    (3) After replacing the PicoCOM2 with PicoCOM4 hardware, tried to install PicoCOM4 SDK.
    Installation fails until PicoCOM2 SDK has been uninstalled.
    (4) Installed PicoCOM4 SDK.
    As a consequence, PicoCOM2 projects cannot be opened in VisualStudio2008 anymore.
    (5) Uninstalled PicoCOM4 SDK, (Too bad that colleagues created PicoCOM4 projects in between which I need to use in my work but cannot open anymore.)
    (6) Installed PicoCOM2 SDK.

    Compile and link the VERY SAME PicoCOM2 project as before (had been restored from archive) now produces the said

    1. uafxcw.lib(cmdtarg.obj) : error LNK2001: (...)


    All of it happened on the same VisualStudio2008 installation (no switch between 2005 and 2008 versions).

    It appears that the change between the SDKs is responsible for this failure.

    So I direct the question to you as the issuer of the SDKs:
    What can I do to overcome this error IN SHORT TIME?

  • Does this error occur on both, debug and release build?

    Software developer, F&amp;S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Ok, i will create new SDK and will do basic tests.
    I will inform you when SDKs is ready for download.

    If the problem persists you should send us a "minimal" project which shows the error.

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • Thank you for creating the new PicoCOM4 SDK.
    What has changed? Can I use this PicoCOM4 SDK in parallel with PicoCOM2 SDK? Probably not. I hesitate to check it out due to the horrible experiences so far.

    But as I stated: The problem is connected with PicoCOM2 projects requiring the PicoCOM2 SDK.
    Until now I used

    1. 26108K 6/12/2012

    which appears to be the most recent one.
    What are the diffences between this version and

    1. 5741K 6/12/2012

    The .zip file name may indicate version V120 which might be more recent than V110. Though, both .zip files have the same file date but differ in size. The included readme.txt files appear to be identical. The file times of the included .msi files (V110 ‎13.‎02.‎2009 â€â€Ž15:19, V120: ‎06.‎07.‎2011 â€â€Ž14:41) appear to suggest to prefer V120 to V110.
    I spent some hours to derive PicoCOM4 versions from some of my PicoCOM2 projects (carefully reproducing the deeply nested project settings) and have not finished yet.

  • Quote

    Thank you for creating the new PicoCOM4 SDK.
    What has changed?

    This SDK is built on the base of the latest CORE Image version.


    What are the diffences between this version picocom2_core_sdk_V120 and picocom2_core_sdk_V110

    That is a bit difficult to find out because we have no special history for SDK. But the SDK is always built on the base of the recent image so from the SDKs date and kernels history you can deduce to the changes.


    ...carefully reproducing the deeply nested project settings...

    Are you really did so much project settings? You may use WinDiff to compare "old" PicoCOM2 - with "new clean" PicoCOM4 project.