Virtual free failure in Debugprompt

  • Hello,

    when i disable UART3 in HKLM\drivers\builtin\NetDCUA5\UART3 using Flags dword 4

    i get this in the DebugPrompt at startup. Is this normal, have i done something wrong? Or should i ignore it?

    NetDCUA5 V2.02 - Firmware Init
    Copyright (c) 2013 F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    Build: May 13 2015/15:52:35
    FMD: NAND ID:0x2cf18095 --> MICRON: 1GBit (128MB)
    FMD: Block 0 to 16 are locked for boot loader
    I2C: Version 2.5
    INFO: No external RTC found!.
    OAL: RestartReason=Software
    FMD: NAND ID:0x2cf18095 --> MICRON: 1GBit (128MB)
    FMD: Block 0 to 16 are locked for boot loader
    FSPART: FS partition driver loaded
    BINFS: RegisterVolume - Mounted volume '\BINFS'
    BE2: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\03
    NI2C: Version 1.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\15
    ENET: Version 01.03, ActiveKey = Comm\ETHNETA
    ENET: Version 01.03, ActiveKey = Comm\ETHNETB
    UsbHost : New Function [address(1) / layer(0)]
    FSKBDHID: Version 1.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\20
    Attach moutouchHID
    BE2: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\23
    UART: Version 1.17, Key = Drivers\Active\24
    UART2: Port disabled. Serial debug is on !
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0xa3749000, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0xc222c000, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0x8ef11000, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0xe6d80000, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0x29589000, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0x62edf000, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0x904e126a, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000
    Virtual free failure!!! addr: 0xa441a84d, cbsize: 0x00000000, usr_tag: 0x00000000, item_tag: 0x00000000

    UART: Version 1.17, Key = Drivers\Active\25
    CID: Version 2.8, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\26
    CID: Version 2.8, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\27
    PIF: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\28
    AIN: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\29
    EXTRTC: Version 1.1, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\30
    EXTRTC: No external RTC detected
    I2C: Version 4.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\31
    TCH: Version WAV: Version 2.3, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\33
    1.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\32
    SDHC: Version 1.2, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\34
    BCS: Version 1.4, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\45
    NSPI: Version 3.0, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\46
    DIO: Version 2.8, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\47
    FRW: Version 1.1, ActiveKey = Drivers\Active\53
    LCD: Version 1.9, ActiveKey = Drivers\Display\LCD
    LCD: Read registry settings from Drivers\Display\LCD
    LCD: Display-Mode 0, Name VGA standard display
    NDCUCFG V 60 started. Platform: NetDCUA5
    NDCUCFG Open CCheckAutoStart: Version 1.7, LaunchNum = 100
    OM1: at 38400 Baud

    Another question at disabling Drivers is: is it possible to disable EthnetB1 completely?


  • Hello,


    Another question at disabling Drivers is: is it possible to disable EthnetB1 completely?

    Did you try:
    Anyway, to delete the image path under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\"<adaptername>1" and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\"<adaptername> helps:(.


    Virtual free failure!!!

    Seems to be related to EC7 only. Unfortunately i can't find any information in platform or public code. Try to get details ... .

    F&S Elektronik Systeme GmbH
    As this is an international forum, please try to post in English.
    Da dies ein internationales Forum ist, bitten wir darum, Beiträge möglichst in Englisch zu verfassen.

  • thank you mr zutter :)

    creating key "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\NdisPower]" and value "<adaptername>1"=DWORD:4 now disabled the adapter, so that would do the thing.

    to the Virtual free failure:
    i did not know if i understand correctly: the only infos to the error i can give to you:
    if i enable COM3 again: by deleting the "flags = DWORD:4" value, then prompts debugout is normal. during this occours, there is no app of me running which tries to use COM3. i only wanted to disable COM3 because of the use of additional AIN


  • Are there new informations about the Virtual Free Failure, we talked about in February?
