I have the necessity to play a video on picoCOMA9X with OS Windows Embedded Compact 2013.
I tried to use CEPlayit.exe, but still not works.
I tried also to start it via visual basic and via Command prompt.
Visual Basic code:
Shell("CEPlayit 106_0327.mp4 -f", AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus, True)
Shell("\windows\ceplayit.exe 106_0327.mp4 -f -e -m", AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus, True)
Using the following command
Command prompt code:
Ceplayit video.mp4 -f
Video file is in \windows.
after copying the video in \ffsdisk I used the following command:
Ceplayit \FFSDISK\video.mp4 -f
But still not works. There are no Messages on screen.
How can i play a video on picoCOMA9X / windows embedded
compact 2013?