New Display, settings for UMSH-8247MD-3T

  • Hi,

    we where using the display UMSH-8376MD-2T without any problems with these settings:…ur_TFT/UMSH-8376MD-2T.pdf

    Now we got the display UMSH-8247MD-3T:…RT/URT_UMSH-8247MD-3T.pdf

    On power on the PicoMOD7A the display background LED are on until the display driver get loaded. Then the display remain black.
    If the PicoMOD is in bootloader mode the background light is always on - so I believe it should be possible to fix it by the correct registry settings.

    But I didn't found the right setting what will fix the problem.

    The big difference is that the new display support HSYNC/VSYNC - but this isn't electrical connected.
    The display can be used in RGB DE mode (what we want to use) and RGB SYNC mode.
    Pin 12 (Adjust for LED brightness) isn't electrical connected ether.

    EDIT: I fixed the pin 12 (VAdj of backlight). But now it remains white...
    It looks like something is shown on the display but there is a problem with H or V or something else!